Nodes of Destiny: Claiming Space

‘ There was a new voice, which you slowly recognized as your own…’ - Mary Oliver.

For the next 18 months - we have an opportunity. - a window during which the universe supports us in remembering our identity and our calling.

Aries will be the north node, and offers this invitation:

“Come with me, I’ll help you find your voice again. I’ll help you be authentic, and to remember who you are. I’ll give you courage. I’ll show you where you’ve been out of balance and exhausting yourself worrying about what others may need, think, or require of you.  I want to help you get focused on what the universe has in store for you.”

On July 17, the lunar nodes change signs from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/ Libra - a combination we haven’t experienced since 2004.

The nodes change every 18 months. During that period, the eclipses are in those signs, and those are the overarching themes in our lives.

What are the lunar nodes?

The lunar nodes (nodes of destiny or nodes of fate) are not an actual planetary body - they are a point in space. It is the point or intersection where the Sun and Moon cross paths - and also determines the signs of the eclipses for 18 months.

The north node represents where we’re going. Who we’re becoming.

The south node represents where we’ve been, our karmic past.

Understanding the North and South Nodes

  • North Node:

  • Represents the future, growth, and aspirations

  • Points to areas of personal development and life lessons

  • South Node:

  • Represents the past, familiarity, and comfort zones

  • Reflects patterns and behaviors from previous lifetimes

Goal: Balance of the nodes and their energies

We also have a north node placement in our charts. The symbol looks like this:(☊) The South Node like this: (☋) Find it on your natal chart HERE.

Our North Node is our Life purpose point. It is what we’re always moving toward, who we are becoming. We are trying to leave our south node behind - not  to forget it, but to give it second place instead of first. Transits to our North and South Nodes will inspire change and evolution.

For this 18-month season, we will integrate the energies of Aries & Libra:

Aries: Independent. ‘The Self’ - it rules the first house in the natal chart, and is a springtime energy that likes to act before it thinks. It loves competition, has a ‘me first’ attitude, and is ruled by Mars - the warrior. It is courage and bravery - the pioneering spirit that is able to shut out all of the other voices and claim space and time.

Libra: Interdependent. The Other - how we collaborate and compromise with others. Balancing, peacemaker. Justice. An ability to see and understand others’ points of view. It is ruled by Venus, the affectionate lover of beauty and harmony. It’s all about relationships - personal, family, work - all of it!

Libra energy, when over-expressed, can lead to  over-compromise, people-pleasing, and the silencing of our own voice and needs to make others feel better. But we need Libra energy. It is kind and graceful, and its goal is to create peace and harmony. But when we take that energy too far in our own lives, we can over-give to the point of losing ourselves.

Our north node is the New Place for us - where we are going. It is unfamiliar and maybe a little scary. The south node represents our past, our past lives, and our karmic journey. The goal is to not get stuck in the energy of our south node, repeating the same patterns over and over throughout our lifetime. The goal is to step into the unchartered waters of our north node and embrace change. It’s like showing up to a place that’s totally new for you, and you don’t know anyone there, but after you get over the initial discomfort, you unlock the blessings and soul fulfillment of gently traveling toward a more evolved you. It’s a lifetime journey.

As the nodes move to the Aries/Libra polarity, these questions will arise:

Who am I?

What do I want?

Who do I want to partner with?

Where, when or with whom am I not being true to myself?

Where do I need to have more courage?

Where, when or with whom am I over-compromising?

Some relationships may start to feel heavy, or as if they ‘aren’t working’ or you may start to notice things about the other person that aren’t a fit for you. Should they end? Maybe some. But remember, this is about getting in touch with your needs and values, and communicating them clearly and compassionately. You may just need a ‘relationship adjustment’.

Same in business and career. You may have offers of collaborations, or you may be in partnerships or organizations where you will be more aware of what is and isn’t working.

We will enter a re-balancing phase. Re-balancing our needs in relation to others - how we fit in with partnerships and what we need for ourselves. We  begin to realize if we haven’t already, that we have to focus on and take care of our own emotional needs if we are going to be at our best in relationships and at work.

We are flowing into the spotlight of these themes of self and other, and how we fit in, and how the pieces of the puzzle all relate to each other.

There may be some relationships that will end, and some that will begin again after the hiatus of the north node in Taurus and Scorpio (endings) - this is all part of reaching towards that north node - the new, the needs for self.

Don’t forget to mine the gold from the south node of Libra. Afterall, nothing ever works when it’s only ‘me-first’ and the needs of everyone else are ignored. But Aries wants you to remember, that conversely, there can be great losses to self and happiness if our own needs continually get second or last place.

This nodal shift is also happening during the New Moon in Cancer. What a kick-off. This moon, in a place it loves to be in, is sentimental, nurturing, emotional, but also a cardinal energy that is strong, with a flavor of leadership and action.

What do you want for the next 18 months? Where are you headed? This cycle holds - for all of us - a chance to find more balance. 

Maybe you need the Aries vibes to break out of your shell and find more bravery. Maybe you need it to speak the truths you’ve been holding back, for fear of hurting someone or being judged. Maybe you sense the imbalances in your personal or work life, and you’re ready to correct some of those places that need shifted.

Remember at the end of the day, our relationships are vital to our wellbeing - and in the end, your most important cheerleader will always be you. We need other people, and we really need to honor ourselves. We can have both.

Are you hoping to kick-off your new 18-month cycle with clarity and courage? Sometimes all you need is the wisdom and direction of your chart, and support to help you get there. If you’re ready to stop spinning and see results, let’s talk!

I’m ready!


Sun and Mars in Virgo


What Moon Phase are You?