Scorpio Sun, Moon and Ascendant

Scorpio has a reputation and is the most blatantly over-generalized sign (next to Virgo). We are either seen as devious, jealous, sex-crazed or simply scary as F. 

We can be all of the above. But as I’ve analyzed myself, and every other Scorpio I’ve come across in my lifetime - I realize we have as many variations as snow has snowflakes. Yet snowflakes we are not.

I do believe it’s advisable to have a healthy respect for a Scorpio and the depths they contain. They can be dangerous folk, yet they can also be the one sign/person that can lead you to the truths about yourself, exercise your shadow, bring up your wounds to be healed, face you with your darkness, talk about shit no one else will, and love you fiercely and deeply across time and space.

Their memories are kept as energetic imprints - as is true for many water signs. They may forget when your birthday was or your sister’s name - but they’ll never forget you - what they experienced with you, and the ways you changed each other. A Scorpio usually comes into your life to create intensity - and whether that is intense light or dark, it is for a reason - and you will never leave a relationship with a Scorpio without being changed in some way.

Scorpio rules transformation, death, sex, shadow, alchemy. They represent the Eagle or the Scorpion - and a Scorpio human will land somewhere on that scale between holy Shaman to a manipulative and wounded soul with an intention to sting.

A Scorpion must do much inner work. Their wounds and pasts are felt deeply. If they are a Scorpio that has not forgiven themselves or those who have hurt them (intentionally or not), they will first become toxic to themselves - and then naturally, to those they are in relationship with.

A Scorpio who works to plumb their own inner depth and learns to LET GO of wrongs, regrets and rejection, will soar like the Eagle and love with a love so powerful it is transcendental and holy - and that includes a love for self.

Scorpions have chosen this incarnation to transform - ruling the root chakra, the themes of sexuality, ancestry, family roots and home roots, inheritances, death, etc. are often where these transformational themes occur.

An immature Scorpio (and by this I don’t mean childish, I simply mean still learning and lacking wisdom) may use sex as a power play, may manipulate with sex, or use sex to attempt to bond or control without opening the heart and other chakras. A Scorpio overly consumed with sexuality without the balance of soul, spirit and love, will often feel a void, even if they can’t name it. It is like allowing a child to play with a butcher block full of knives. She/he has the equipment to be dangerous, and isn’t quite ready to use it to its fullest potential in a safe and ‘productive’ way - for lack of a better word. Sex is a fleeting form of adrenal high at this point, without offering the gorgeously delicious, transformative power sex can have for Scorpions. And Scorpions that do not respect their sexuality or the sexuality of others are dangerous. On the other side of the coin, some Scorpions have a fear of sex that leads them to actually shut down their root chakra and avoid connecting with other humans through sexuality. This may happen because of past sexual trauma, or because of a family or religious environment where sex was taught to be dirty, shameful, or something people didn’t do - as if it didn’t exist.

A Scorpio with not only a healthy - but a thriving, delicious, respectful and FUN approach to sex is one of the most lit up, energetic, powerful beings on the planet. Their powers of manifestation seem limitless, and they can literally perform sex magic and shamanic healing.

All Scorpions will be a bit secretive. Even the sweetest and most evolved of us will keep some cards held close to our chest. This is not to say Scorpions are cheating or lying - far from it - Scorpions are often fiercely loyal! They simply know how deeply they feel things, and often have a very difficult time spilling every emotion, thought and feeling out onto the floor. And that is how it feels to a Scorpion. What if someone stomps on those feelings? What if they use it against them? They will be crushed to the depths.

To love a Scorpio and encourage openness, their friend or lover MUST create trust and safety over time. I add the ‘over time’, because a Scorpio won’t trust you just because you ask them to. In fact, if you ask them, that may make you seem even more untrustworthy. “Trust me” may just be the two words that send a Scorpio running. They watch your actions, listen to your words, and constantly observe you. Sounds stalker-ish, but it’s not. They want to see if there are patterns in your behavior. Are your words lining up with what they see? Are you worthy of their deep love and loyalty? Can they let their guard down? They are keen observers of human psychology. They make excellent detectives because of this observation of actions, patterns, words. Their deepest fear is to be fooled - and for their love not to be returned in the same magnitude they give it.

Scorpions love getting to know people. Unfortunately, a Scorpio may too quickly disregard others who are wonderful options for friends and lovers because they may judge someone too quickly - especially if they seem superficial or fake in any way. Advice to any Scorpio, and one I’ve learned as I’ve matured: Give people time and space to reveal their depth. A Scorpio should remember that everyone has layers and often wear masks - just as they do.

Like other water signs, Scorpios need time alone. Don’t be offended when they seem to disappear mentally. Water signs are empaths and need time to disengage from the energies they absorb - even from their loved ones.  But a mature Scorpio must learn how to communicate this need. Disappearing acts without explanation are cruel and could even be a form of abuse in intimate relationship. Running away and not showing up are signs of a wound and trauma in action. They are trying to keep a bit of themselves back, and it is a form of dishonesty. Again, this doesn’t mean they are lying and cheating, it means they haven’t learned who they are, what they need, and the ability to communicate it. Trust that a Scorpion who hasn’t learned to trust themselves and others has great potential to change and turn this completely around - even if just one person shows them safety, unconditional love, and non-judgment - over time!

The Scorpion is represented by the Phoenix for great reason. They can be burnt up, destroyed, devastated, life seemingly ruined, and rise up with a new version of themselves and their life, stronger than ever before. In fact, this is often their journey on earth and the main way they grow and transform. Their strength is not superficial, and rises up from a soul level. Their being KNOWS that the dark night of the soul is the night before the dawn, and even if the pain feels insurmountable in the moment, there is a soul-knowing that keeps them moving through the pain until the new life is born. They know the inside of the chrysalis - as does the butterfly -  and that crawling on the earth was simply the step before taking flight.


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