Heidi Easley Heidi Easley

Identity Crisis: Pluto in Action

Transformation begins when you look in the mirror and don’t know who the hell you are.

Yeah, that uncomfortable place.

For those of us that live in the illusion of control - we have a hard time with this feeling.

We hear so much messaging about following our path, finding our purpose, living our truth…etc.

And we feel this damned pressure to figure it all out.

They ain’t lyin’ when they say that it’s the journey, not the destination. And that’s probably the most difficult thing to accept.

But when we can - when we can just lean into the NOT knowing.

It’s the sweet space.

The space of potential.

Usually, life forces us into this baby step place that births transformation.

Death, divorce, health crises, breakup, job loss, menopause - and even the happy stuff - marriage, new baby, empty nesting (okay, that’s both) moving, a new job you love, or when you’re up-leveling in your business or your life (growing and getting rid of the old stuff, people and environments that don’t fit anymore)

There’s a pause, like when the sailboat can’t find the wind in its sails just yet.

And the dream ahead isn’t clear.

Pluto rules a lot of this space. Not all of it, but the deep, transformational part. Uranus can bring in the unpredictable change, but Pluto makes you integrate it and rewire it.

Every year, we have a Pluto retrograde - When Pluto unties our reality for a bit and makes us figure out how to tie it all back together again. The universe is smart that way.

And usually, you’re grieving. You’re grieving hard.

You’re missing the you that you were. And not quite sure who the next you is going to be.

You feel like you don’t have the tools to get there.

You get scared, and you miss the people, places, things and situations that made you feel secure. But when you’re really, really honest with yourself. You realize in all of the situations, you were there, too. That version still exists in you. 

We die to ourselves sometimes. We feel like it’s all ending. And part of it is.

Every past version of yourself still lives.

The things that die, die because it’s time. And you don’t always get to choose when it dies - or how.

So when you look in the mirror, and wonder who the hell you are right now…

I’ll tell you the answer. You’re you. And you will be you tomorrow. And you create the security and safety in your life, and you create the love, and the wild abandon, and the adventure, and the hope.

The universe just comes in with tests and trials here and there.

And you get to choose. And you get to be okay with the not-knowing. Because the next version of you shows up.

In all the stumbly steps you take from this moment. Just like it did before. You showed up. You became that next version of you.

Sometimes you need a guide. You need some tools. You need support. Never find shame in that.

Holy and sacred people will show up, if it’s your prayer to find them  It’s up to you to take a hand that’s offered. To invest in yourself. Sometimes it’s a whole damn team.

Trust me, I have one. A team of people who hold my hand when the darkness is disorienting.

They won’t do the work for me, because the transformation is mine. 

But they are the ones who have been there, who understand life as sacred and joyful, but can look at pain and support me in that space, too.

So when Pluto, transformation, transitions, or just that frustrating place of the not-knowing has got you in a choke hold…know you’re not alone.

And the next you is here, even in this moment. No pressure, no expectations. The wind will pick back up, the sails will billow full of a westward wind, and you’ll be on your way, as you have been so many times before. The next shore awaits.

If you’re ready to start moving forward, book a

First Steps Transformational Reading.

We will focus in on a maximum of two areas in your life and dive deep - looking at timing, themes, and action items personally co-created for your next steps.

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