Full Moon in Leo: The Magic of Bees
The Snow Moon in Leo opposes the Sun in Aquarius. The divine magic of bees teaches us how to balance both.
The Snow Moon in Leo opposes the Sun in Aquarius. The divine magic of bees teaches us how to balance both.
The sun (Aquarius) opposes the moon (Leo), symbolizing the conflict and challenges between self, warmth, heart, emotion and creativity (Leo) and the collective and longing for autonomy and independence (Aquarius) while craving community and connection.
I’ve been reading about beekeeping, and the magic of bees. The parallel between the Leo/Queen energy and Aquarius/Community is beautifully reflected here - and shows us how to align with our own divine purpose.
Today I read about the Queen of the hive. I learned that the queen does no manual labor. She is in the hive, making baby bees. Her female worker bees tend to her every need. They feed her, groom her, and even remove her waste from the hive so she can focus on her feminine task of procreation. The worker bees also feed her young for her.
Think of Leo energy as the Queen, and the colony as Aquarian. The queen is treated royally because she is valuable just for who and what she is. She is the creatrix of the hive, the only bee with developed ovaries. She is the future of the hive. Of course, she is nothing without the worker bees. The community. The hard working honey-makers. Here we have the harmony of the Leo and Aquarian energy - the heart of the hive, and the necessity of the colony.
Leo in its exaltation - or best form - is the archetype of the humble yet strong leader who cares for their subjects. Leonic royalty seeks to provide the most they can to those around them, seeks to secure their kingdom, and seeks for the finest things and experiences in life. They love the arts, drama, dancing, acting and singing. Leo at its best radiates the energy of the sun - warming and energizing everyone around them.
Aquarius energy at its best is open to community, forward thinking, a seeker of friendship, an innovator, and open-minded. It understands that the collective has more strength than any one person alone.
When the moon is full and illuminating these themes - all of these questions or desires may be in our subconscious or acted out by ourselves and others. There is friction between the need for self care and honoring ourselves, but also aware we need others. We want to stay in our hearts, but may feel emotional detachment while we try to figure out exactly what that means for us.
Queen energy (Leo):
Accept the help of others
Value yourself
Create: it is your divine work
Act from the heart
Celebrate your purpose
Honor Be-ing more than Do-ing
(you don’t have to work to create your own value, rather you create from the desire to share yourself)
You are worthy of being adored
Colony energy (Aquarius):
Everyone has a purpose
We need each other
Honor the blessing of community
Assist others in their time of need
Share resources
Share yourself and your ‘sweetness’, your creations
Feed others with your talents and love
As we celebrate the themes of the full moon, we hope to exalt the highest qualities of Leo and Aquarius. To find the balance between heart and mind, self and others, and to find joy in the process. Act from the heart, with love, with dedication, honoring self and other - and the effect of our lives will be one of sweetness and healing.
Full Moon Halloween! What it means for ALL SIGNS!
Happy Full Moon Halloween Oct. 31, 2020!
This full moon happening in Taurus is filled with electric energy.
Remember that we don’t just feel the effects of the full moon day of - this whole week from Oct. 25 and lasting until Nov.3 is the building up, peak and culmination of the blue moon (second full moon in a month) full moon energy.
Are you ready to cast your spells?
Spell casting isn’t just witchery. We cast spells in our every day lives. Ever set an intention? Ever written down your goals? Ever made a wish and blew out a candle on a birthday cake (ahem, pre-Covid). You are sending a spell, wish, expectation out into the universe. And this weekend is a prime time to remember that powerful ritual.
How has life been for you since April 22, 2020? This was the new Moon in Taurus; the full moon on Oct. 31 in Taurus is the culmination of that cycle.
What have you learned about yourself? Are you ready to move forward with a new energy and focus and let some things and people go that aren’t an authentic use of your time and resources?
Whatever isn’t in alignment with you - your dreams, wishes, desires and highest good, is going to feel extra crappy right now. You’re going to KNOW it’s time to move on.
Uranus is a major player affecting this full moon. Uranus brings a heightened level of anxiety, a greater need for grounding (helped by the earthy Taurus moon), surprising changes and information, rebellious actions from yourself or others, and possible major shifts. Think of plugging into an electrical socket. Uranus supercharges the atmosphere.
Also, Venus is opposing Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Many of us will be focusing on relationships - what are our triggers, our patterns - and especially what do we not want to tolerate anymore.
We may suddenly see how we wound ourselves in relationships - how we open ourselves up to repeated trauma with our repetitive ways of communicating, welcoming in partners that don’t see our value, and being with people we know aren’t good for us.
Uranus and the moon in Taurus will push us to pay attention to our sovereignty and self-worth. If you feel like you deserve trauma, you will accept trauma. At some point, we need to look at what choices we make and realize there are other options. There should be no judgement or harsh criticism of self at this time. Simply the awareness that we are ready to shift our realities. If you feel like you need to forgive yourself for some shitty past decisions, do so and move on. Visualize and feel into how you want things to look and feel differently in your daily life and relationships. Are you ready to feel free? This freedom will only come by committing to self.
Full Moon Focus for Each Sign:
Aries - Value. Taurus already rules over values, and this is also where the moon is hanging out in your chart. Are you aligning to your values - do you even know what they are? You may want to spend some time writing down your values and see if you are off track. Look at how these values align with your financial health as well. There’s time to course correct.
Taurus - it’s all about you Taurus - the moon is in your first house of Identity. Where in your life are you NOT being authentic? Can you show up more wholly in your life, career and relationships and not be afraid to speak your mind? This is the beginning of a new month for you, where YOU are the priority. Make sure you are making decisions based on your needs first. Then the rest will fall into place.
Gemini - Going inward may be the best thing you can do right now. You may not feel like partying it up - and that’s just fine. Your spiritual world is illuminated, and you’re feeling the need to nurture the divine within you with a little peace and comfort. You may be looking at letting go of old spiritual beliefs or behaviors that have been too confining.
Cancer - Any problems with your buds or social connections? A friend you need to let go of that’s draining you? Ready to switch up the friend pod? There may be sudden changes in friend-world. Just go with the flow and try not to take it too personally. Friends come and go in perfect timing.
Leo - Your career is up this full moon. Just because you aren’t working on Saturday doesn’t mean you won’t get news in the days prior or after that shift some things at work. And this information may be better than what you hoped for.
Virgo - Covid season has been great for nesting, but you’re feeling the urge to get out of Dodge. Just know Mercury retrograde may throw a wrench and the Uranus/moon relationship may throw in some surprises to your travel plans - but isn’t spontaneity and surprise what you’re looking for anyway? If you can’t travel, expand your mind.
Libra - Money and transformation, one or the other or both. Eighth house matters are always deep ones. Other people's money, debts, inheritances, windfalls...something may shift in the money realm, or in your outlook on the control or power money or lack of has over you. Sex also falls under this area of the chart. How are the power dynamics in your sex life? Ready for a super-charge?
Scorpio - Relationships receive full illumination now. You have insights you can’t ignore, and these last months since April 22 have magnified the crap you won’t take, the crap that’s holding you back in relationships, and the treasures you want to keep. You can say good-bye now, and you can welcome the vibes you really want to stay in your relationship world. Remember - it all starts from within you. You are a powerful manifester, and if you are a mess, you’ll attract messes. Time to journal and really figure out where you want to heal and change in the realms of how you want to relate and what you want to bring in.
Sagittarius - How’s your daily routine? How’s your work-life balance? How’s your health? Now’s the time to make some radical changes in time management, health practices, and general self-care. Don’t wait for health crises or breakdowns to happen to make those changes you’ve been thinking about for six months. Start with one habit you need to change, and watch how this gives you steam to tackle some more.
Capricorn - It’s play time! You’re so good at putting your nose to the grindstone and taking care of your responsibilities. Take this weekend to prioritize fun, kids, creativity, music, dance, or anything that helps you let your hair down. Don’t worry, your life won’t fall apart if you give in to some hedonism this weekend!
Aquarius - the theme is home for you - have you moved recently or thinking about moving? Some pretty sudden opportunities have been in the air and may culminate this weekend, or at least shift so that you can start to see the path ahead. A change of environment is just what you need. Even if you aren’t changing locales, change your nest. It’s time to revamp the space around you to allow fresh energy into your life.
Pisces - Communication! Now may be time to say your piece, or someone else may give you a piece of their mind. Don’t fight it, you know that it’s time to clear the air. When what was held back is spoken, you can finally move on to the next chapter. Try to stay clear, firm, and kind, just how you would like to be spoken to. You can make your point without being a brat. And so can they. Don’t let anyone verbally abuse you.