Heidi Easley Heidi Easley

Sun and Mars in Virgo

The Sun and Mars in Virgo

It’s Virgo time!

Virgo Suns and Risings will start to feel like you’re getting back in the groove, and the rest of us will be getting some nudges for a little order in the chaos. Even with six planets in retrograde!

I can feel Virgo energy creeping in. All of a sudden I want to structure my life.  It’s crazy because –

I actually WANT to fill out my calendar and commit differently to work and projects.

I actually WANT to get more organized and disciplined. Gasp!

Here’s some Virgo vibes to embrace for the next month-ish:

  • Organize your schedule

  • Do the mundane tasks (like checking your banking statement - how many monthly streaming or member charges are you getting that need to be canceled that you aren’t using?)

  • Commit to better health/eating/self-care practices

  • Arrange your desk and workspace for better productivity

  • Do the detail work you’ve put off

  • Purge your closet or pantry

  • Commit to an act of service (Virgo loves to help others in need!)

The warning bells also start chiming for me in Virgo season. I really have to watch for perfectionism.  Virgo energy is BIG on getting things just right. It can paralyze me. I know in my gut perfection isn’t possible. Yet she still exists - Miss Annoying Perfectionist Pearl.

Maybe you suffer from a bit of this too - and you don’t have to be a Virgo! Just notice that you may feel more of that push during the next month to over-analyze and get things right. Super important if you’re designing a NASA space shuttle, but it can go into overdrive in our home, work and romantic life - a place where exaggerated Virgo energy may not be as welcome or needed! Don’t wait to share your gifts until you get it perfect. You’ll be waiting forever.

At my writers’ retreat I attended this summer, we talked about all of the things that trap us, keep us from our writing goals. Perfectionism was one. Procrastination was another. Do you want to know how we dealt with Procrastination? - We put her in a corner and gave her something to do. (Julia, you were amazing at impersonating procrastination).  

To fill you all in - Julia sat in a corner and played with soul cards instead of doing her work. I felt so seen.

So during Virgo season - if you’re feeling it - honor that time to get stuff done, organize, purge the closets, sell the crap you don’t need, re-structure your calendar, take better care of your body, eat good food, honor your energy levels, enjoy these last few weeks of the ripeness and fullness of summer, and prepare for fall and winter when it makes sense for you!

Happy Virgo Season!

PS the Sun is in Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Mars in Virgo Aug. 18-Oct. 3

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