Sagittarius New Moon December 1
My favorite New Moon sign of the year. Sagittarius. Ruled by Jupiter, the Sagittarius vibe reminds us of the big picture, our destiny, our beliefs, our truth, and authenticity - and asks us to expand the current version of ourselves.
We are prompted to take risks and make choices that guide us toward our true north.
Mercury is retrograde now - how does this affect the new moon?
I believe this retrograde is a blessing during the Sagittarius new moon. This is because Sagittarius asks us to have a grand vision, not to get wrapped up in all of the tiny details - not yet.
Now is our time to dare to dream - and Mercury retrograde can’t touch that part of our deep soul. Mercury retrograde affects the details, the logical thinking brain. While we do need this part of our logical mind to put dreams into action, Mercury retrograde here asks us to sit in our dreams for a bit. Send them out into the universe, feel them, believe them. Fantasize. Hope. Grow in faith.
But there’s another retrograde in full swing - and that’s Jupiter itself. Jupiter goes retrograde every year - for four months. Nature has this beautiful balance - 8 months of expansion, and four months of review. This is a powerful time. While Mercury Retrograde brings communication snags, problems with technology and information sharing, Jupiter retrograde does not have the same negative effects. We are given grace and time to make necessary adjustments before the direct period begins again - this time in early February 2025.
Jupiter’s retrograde is Oct 9 to Feb. 4, 2025. During this time, we reflect on our spiritual beliefs, our morals, and personal philosophy - this is ‘going inward’ of Jupiter’s energy. It doesn’t mean we won’t be dreaming and growing, but it does mean we may look deeper into ourselves as we go through that journey. We may feel drawn more to meditation or journaling, or analyzing our childhood - how we were brought up regarding spiritual beliefs and values. How are we different and how are we changing?
This doesn’t mean life stops or that you stop growing and living! Rather we’re granted energetic space to take some pause and check in with ourselves, our beliefs, and our life vision.
Where are you headed?
Is anything going off track that needs adjustment?
How would you like 2025 to feel different?
Can you invest more time now in your spiritual well-being - filling up your energetic tank?
This is a re-fueling time for Jupiter’s forward motion in later winter.
The Sagittarius New Moon is the grand opening to the holiday season, blessing us with some fire energy (a welcome change from the watery, emotional energy of Scorpio) and helps us move forward. Think of the Archer, the symbol and archetype of Sagittarius. Always aiming forward.
Jupiter asks us to expand our curiosity and desire to learn, grow and evolve.
Jupiter can also help expand our waistline! Yes, Jupiter expands everything it touches, and we may tend to overdo, overeat and overspend! Funny how that always hits us during the holiday season! The less we overdo, the less we have to over-correct in Capricorn season, post-Christmas.
Too much growth too fast can exhaust our nervous system. Too much travel, too much eating, too much of anything - is often just - too much! So even though Jupiter is expansive, it can be exhausting if we are un-anchored, un-grounded, or expanding too quickly (relationships, businesses, etc)
The retrograde gives us time to be present, to enjoy what and who is with us now. This New Moon ushers in Sagittarius energy - this is about 3-4 weeks of fun, bigger vision, some bigger spending - (we’re buying gifts right now, hello!)- generosity of spirit and joy. Everything has its season, so revel in the fun, food, and festivities. Just give yourself time to be alone, to be quiet, and to reflect. Maybe it’s time to pay more attention to your spiritual practice and spiritual gifts or to think about what you value most in life, where your time and energy are being spent - and what this holiday season means to you.
In the midst of it all, remember to dream and envision your next chapters. It won’t be long before we’re the New Year and the magic we want to manifest in 2025.