Heidi Easley Heidi Easley

New Life; Guarded Vigilantly

THREE MONTHS of all direct planets starting today. Woot Woot!!

Mercury is direct in Capricorn, Mars is direct in Gemini and Uranus went direct today in Taurus.

Those first two weeks or so of January were a little cloudy, a little hopeful, a little difficult, a little confusing - a little of all of those things in one swirly package. Now, we peep out of the emotional or brain fog with some hope and clarity.

In the last few weeks, beginning in Capricorn season, we may have been dreaming. Dreaming of new careers, relationships, creative projects, new versions of ourselves. Eliminating not so great habits, becoming more disciplined in certain areas, all the things we do when we’re ready to shed old skin and begin anew.

Today, I drew the oracle card “A New Life, Guarded Vigilantly.” When we start new routines, habits, disciplines, creative projects - all the things - it’s freaking scary.

First we start out high - riding an adrenalin rush.

Yay - this is new, this is fun!! - this is so aligned with who I want to be and what I want to do!

Then, doubt creeps in. And challenges.

It’s like after a new moon. Did you know in the first quarter phase after the New moon we are faced with our first challenges to new moon intentions? It's as if the universe is asking us - do you really want this thing?

When a powerhouse like Uranus goes direct, it electrifies and supercharges the natal house it transits. Look your natal chart up on astro.com and see what house Uranus is transiting for insight.

There’s so much hope and good vibes/energy, yet the self doubt - can I really do this? Am I strong enough? Talented enough? Disciplined Enough? Ugh, the 'enough' word.

In every creative process in every birth, in every birth, in every opening of a new cycle of life, there is a time of excitement - and of vulnerability.

While everyone (including me) is talking about how awesome it is to have all of this “Go For It” energy, we might be feeling wobbly, unsure, and vulnerable. And that’s ok. That’s how it starts. We will get traction, in our own divine timing. And yes, we are and have more than Enough to get there.

Oracle Cards: Sacred Rebels by Alana Fairchild

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