The SuperBlue Aquarius Moon August 19, 2024
Welcome to the SuperMoon/Blue Moon Full Moon in Aquarius: The Sturgeon Moon🌕
Social Connections & Group Dynamics (including family)
Art, Personal Expression
Opposes Sun and Mercury Retrograde in Leo
Blue Moon (extra full moon in a season)
Super Moon (Moon rises in at the closest point in its orbit to Earth)
This Aquarius moon is a hard-hitter because it’s super magnified AND it hits directly at the most personal points and opposing areas of our charts - Aquarius (the individual, the freedom-fighter) and Leo (the heart, the leader, the artist)
We’re trying to find the best path back to ourselves. We’re trying to be as honest with ourselves as we can. We’re trying to find our way out of shadow and into light.
And that’s a bumpy ride.
There are so many rewards past these few bumps. There may be secrets revealed, conflicts, and big realizations of truth.
This could be inside of us, or outside. Maybe it’s something we need to release. Something that needs a closer look. Something that has outstayed its welcome.
This Aquariun moon opposing Leo is a powerfully creative time. Listen to music. Daydream. Ideas will come to you. Dreams, fantasies - your wishes for what could be. Pay attention - but don’t try to harness them, not yet. Just allow the flow. Aquarius energy is all about allowing the brilliance without trying to control or capture it. Create without an end goal.
Music is very healing and centering at this time - and will help channel anxiety into creativity.
Put your headphones on and listen to music you don’t usually listen to. I’m sharing a playlist that I’ve been playing during this full moon that has been not only inspirational, but has been grounding and heart-centering.
Move. Move your body, move your hips. Do some heart-opening exercises or yoga positions to move this energy.
Those who have the hardest times during full moons are ones who need to have control. And that’s a lot of us. Most of us.
Ask yourself:
What’s the worst thing that could happen if I give up control?
What if giving up control is the answer?
What if doing what I can, then letting go and loving myself - is the thing that will bring me peace?
I’d like to share a poem with you by Maya Angelou. called ‘Prayer’.
Note the beautiful way she addresses The Creator - who has many names and identities.
Feel the release of restriction and burden from your heart and body when you read this poem to yourself or out loud.
’Father, Mother, God, thank You for Your presence during the hard and mean days. For then we have You to lean upon.
Thank you for Your presence during the bright and sunny days, for then we can share that which we have with those who have less.
And thank You for Your presence during the Holy Days, for then we are able to celebrate You and our families and friends.For those who have no voice, we ask you to speak.
For those who feel unworthy we ask You to pour Your love out in waterfalls of tenderness.
For those who live in pain, we ask you to bathe them in the river of Your Healing.For those who are lonely, we ask You to keep them company.For those who are depressed, we ask You to shower upon them the light of hope.
Dear Creator, You, the borderless sea of substance, we ask You to give to all the world that which we need most —Peace.
May peace, which comes from letting go and trusting in the divine, come to our hearts.